DERC has undertaken a review of the Dorset Ecological Network Maps for Dorset LNP and we are undertaking an informal engagement on the draft maps below. We welcome comments on the maps until end of Wednesday 15 July.
A revision to the guidance document is being finalised. The Maps will be fed into the evidence base for the Local Plans and will be used to support development management in both BCP Council and Dorset Council. The Maps will also support Nature Recovery planning in the LNP area.
The published maps will be available on the LNP website (the current maps and guidance are available here) and on the Dorset Explorer.
“For this second iteration of the ecological network maps we have replaced the AONB permeability data with a new AONB data set which now covers the whole of Dorset (including North Dorset, excluded from the first version). We have also updated all the site information and included several new sites, notably the SANGs (Sites of Alternative Natural Geenspace). Dorchester is the first town to be reviewed and refined against the eco-net layers. We mapped open areas including churchyards, public gardens and allotments. Then each area was scored and included within the existing or potential network depending upon their biodiversity interest and importance as wildlife corridors. This builds upon similar work already undertaken in Bournemouth and Weymouth & Portland and sets a precedent for future development of the ecological networks mapping in urban areas.” Caroline Steele – Records Centre Manager, DERC
“Mapping our existing and potential ecological network has never been more important. We know that rare and protected species and habitats are declining at alarming rates and the first step to helping them recover is understanding where the best opportunities exist in the wider landscape. These maps provide county-wide up to date information and will form the basis of our emerging Nature Recovery Network and Local Nature Recovery Strategy, linked to delivery of the measures in the Environment Bill and the emerging Local Plans.” Annabel King – Natural Environment Team Leader, Dorset Council
Please send any comments, queries or suggested amendments to Carolyn Steele DERC at: carolyn.steele@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Updated Maps
BCP Council Area
Existing Ecological Network Maps – with sites, wildlife corridors and stepping stones
Potential Ecological Network Maps (along side existing network)
Dorset Council Area
Existing Ecological Network Maps – with sites, wildlife corridors and stepping stones
Potential Ecological Network Maps (along side existing network)
If you have any queries please email info@dorsetlnp.org.uk
The revision of the Ecological Network Maps has been funded by: BCP Council; Dorset Council; Dorset AONB*; Dorset LNP, Dorset Wildlife Trust and Wessex Water.
* Dorset AONB 60th Anniversary Fund (supported by National Lottery Heritage Fund)