Following an open recruitment process in early 2013, the Board of the Dorset Local Nature Partnership was appointed. See below for a list of Board Members.
The role of the Dorset LNP Board is to:
- Provide strategic leadership
- Set direction for the Dorset LNP
- Link to leaders and strategic partnerships in other sectors
The Board is supported by the Dorset LNP Manager, an officer support group and a broad forum of partners from all sectors.
The first Board meeting took place in April 2013.
Download a copy of the Terms of Reference for Dorset Local Nature Partnership Board.
Board Meeting dates
The Dorset LNP Board usually meets on the second Wednesday of March, June, September and December.
Board Minutes
Please email us at if you would like to see any board minutes.
Board Members
View member profiles here.
Independent Members (appointed via open recruitment):
- Will Bond (Alaska Environmental Contracting Ltd / CLA National Environment Committee)
- David Brown (National Trust)
- Ian Curtis (formerly Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute)
- Imogen Davenport (Vice -Chair of LNP, Dorset Wildlife Trust)
- Lee Hardy OBE JP (Vice-Chair of LNP, Dorset Catchment Partnerships / Dorset Coast Forum / Poole Harbour Commissioners)
- Dougal Hosford (farmer / chair of Dorset Wildlife Trust Agricultural Panel)
- Dr Durwyn Liley (Footprint Ecology)
- Dr Jessica Picken (Aquatic Ecologist)
- Brett Spiller (Chapman Lily Planning ltd.)
- Becky Walters (education and training)
Co-opted members:
- Ruth Barden (Wessex Water)
- Fiona Bowles (Local Access Forum)
- Luke Rake (Chair of LNP, Jurassic Coast Trust)
Local Authority appointments:
- Cllr Andy Hadley (Portfolio Holder for Climate Response, Environment and Energy, BCP Council)
- Cllr Nick Ireland (Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate, Performance and Safeguarding, Dorset Council)
If you have any queries please email